Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Bunny is Coming!

OK, I know I might sound like a total dork for saying this, but I LOVE Easter.  My family isn't religious in the slightest, so for us, Easter is primarily a reason to be together and celebrate family, good food, and (hopefully) warming weather.  It's also a plus that the Easter Bunny never fails to show up after all these years, even though my sister and I are now graduated, certifiable "adults."

via good housekeeping

Every Easter, we celebrate with a big brunch.  The meal always has to include the innards from the blown eggs we dyed the day before, so this year I have plans for a frittata, a dish I have ignored until discovering that it is the perfect vessel for leftovers.  Here's a basic recipe.  Note that pretty much any veggies, cheese, and/or meat combination imaginable can be used here.  My most recent frittata had onions, mushrooms, shredded beef from some leftover stew, and ricotta.  Delicious!

HOPPY Easter!

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

hehe DORK! hoppy easter to you, too...hop your way down here soon, would ya?! xoxo

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