Friday, June 10, 2011

The Friday Find

I'm feeling the need to be particularly thrifty this week. Why, you may ask?

1) I have been spending entirely too much money on securing an apartment for the upcoming year.

2) I am spending a pretty penny on a July vacation in Honduras with my cousins. (Side note: It is so worth it.)

3) The vaccines to travel to Honduras are PRICEY! Not to mention, I haven't had chicken pox, so I had to get that vaccine too. Let me tell you - it is definitely more cost effective to have chicken pox as a kid than to get the vaccine as an adult.

So this week there is not much money left over for furniture shopping for the new apt. Thus, I will show you how to re-paint an old, dilapidated dresser and make it shiny and new for just over $50.

1) Have a friend like Rachel with an old dresser. Rent a Zipcar and pick it up from her ($8).

(The other drawers did come with it,
I had just pulled them out already)

2) Visit your local hardware store. I like Logan Hardware. If you are a female, you will have a particularly fun time at the hardware store because all of a sudden, the male workers become oddly friendly. Hilary tells me this is the "female in a hardware store" experience. Anyways, purchase 3 sheets of sandpaper, a paint brush or roller, a can of primer, and a can of paint in the color of choice (I stuck with black). They will give you the tool to open the paint can and the stirrers for free. (Unless that is only part of the "female in a hardware store" experience.) (About $25)

Primed dresser

3) Visit Lee Valley Tools online and purchase new brass drawer pulls. While shipping is not included, these drawer pulls are a steal at less than $2.50 each. (About $25)

Sanded, primed,
two coats of black paint, new ring pulls

And voila! You have a new dresser. Happy Friday!

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