Monday, June 6, 2011

MIA no more

We're sorry. We really are. This blog hiatus was unacceptable. We brought you all this bouquet to show you that we truly missed you and we felt bad for leaving you (temporarily).

Photo via Thunda Funda

You see, so much is/was going on. Anna is working her butt off. But she's going to be the best nurse! (I would be the worst nurse - I'd be too afraid of your germs.) Did she tell you she got a new stethoscope?!

I, too, have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I spent weeks months searching for an apartment. In weather ranging from 60 degrees and rainy to 90 degrees and humid. But it was worth it. Because the one I got my hands on has a working fire place, and a kitchen with a granite breakfast bar, and a shiny new washer and dryer. And now I just have to move in. With my new roommate. More on that later :)

I also went to LA with Ben and his family. Here is a picture of the city through a stone cut out at the Getty museum. If you've never been to LA, make sure you stop at the Getty.

And here is a picture of the Santa Monica beach. Breezy in the mid-70s. Mmmmmm.

While I wasn't blogging, I was re-painting a dresser, frequenting happy hour at Masa 14, dreaming about fudge popsicles, and watching a Mourning Dove get pregnant, lay eggs, sit on her eggs, and eventually, have little baby Mourning Doves! More on that another day.

Sleep tight xo


jschiller19 said...

marie is NOT going to be happy. but if you tell her who your new ROOMMATE is she might be.

i accept the flowers. missed you kids.

Marie said...

marie is SO happy for you, but also WAY jealous you were in that marvelous city. marie also talked to you about the trip way before this post, so that eased the blow.

happy to be again see what you and anna love!

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