Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions, Part 2

Usually I (Liz) don't make New Years resolutions. But this year I am going to make four very manageable resolutions. And each resolution will have a goal. Woo!

Resolution 1: Go to bed 20 minutes earlier every night. This means showering before 11:00 PM.
Goal 1: Hit snooze a maximum of three times each morning. (My housemate Jenn will be so happy to see this! We share a bedroom wall.)

Resolution 2: Buy a gym membership.
Goal 2: Save money. To clarify, I have very little intention of working out more. I wouldn't mind having some sort of arm muscle, but I'm in no rush. I simply want to take advantage of the post-New Years sale. And I miss my spinning classes.

Resolution 3: Go to the grocery store with a list.
Goal 3: Buy the stuff I need (e.g., my favorite coffee yogurt (see below), bananas, veggie burgers, avocados...), not the stuff I only buy because I'm hungry (usually Cheez-Its).

Resolution 4: Splurge just a little bit more on simple comforts. For you or for me.
Goal 4: More joy in life. Recently, my mom bought me these awesome over-sized super plush towels (we got them at Target), and they made my winter showers a heck of a lot better. Whether it's a nice towel or a good sandwich or a bouquet of flowers, if it will make your day or mine, in 2011 I'm going to say "Why not?"

Later gators. Resolution 1 won't happen unless I go now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...that's your favorite type of yogurt? I had no idea!! ;)

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